Friday, May 26, 2017

High Altitude Therepy

I didn't sleep much at all last night.  I can't complain as the previous two nights I slept pretty well.  It's all part of acclimating.  So this morning I was petty tired but still opted to climb Kala Patar for a possible view of Everest.  It was foggy when we bagan after breakfast.  The scenery on the hike was surreal in the fog.  Despite being tired, and the steep uphill slog, I found myself feeling so happy to be here, to be expending energy this way.  I think Kala Patar is about 18,800 ft at the summit.  It is heavily festooned with prayer flags and despite the limited visibility I felt like a child at play.  I scrambled to the actual summit, a series of slopping​ stones with an impossible drop off on one side.  It you follow tht ridgeline it takes you to Pulmori.  We had glimpses of Nupse and a peak in Tibet as well as a fantastic view of Everest Base Camp and the Kumbu Icefall far below us. 

Tomorrow we head from Gorak Shep to Base Camp after lunch.  If the morning looks clear enough I may try another run up Kala Patar for more pics.  At base camp we have one last rest day before the race.  I am feeling much more confident about my first marathon as this trip wears on.  I am not sure how long this will take me but I plan to do i more as a very fast trek than as a trail run.  I have discovered I have some advantages over many of the runners.  Running over rocky shorelines as a kid I am most comfortable on the worst sections of this course.  The altitude isn't as much of an issue for me either.  All the local peaks I've climbed last year are paying off.  If I can maintain my usual fast pace, limit rest breaks and take advantage of my long stride I think I'll turn a respectable showing.  Either way though, running a first marathon beginning at 17,600 ft comes with some bragging rights.  Life is wonderful!

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