Sunday, May 21, 2017

The Trek Above Namche Bazzar

Today we began hiking the marathon route.  It wasn't all that far in distance, 6 or 7 miles perhaps.  There was a pretty good uphill section and we are now solidly above 11,000 ft.  So the air is much thinner than most are used to.  I seem to be getting called a mountain goat quite a lot.  I had to ask if it was because I hike very well or perhaps because I am not bathing regularly.  Hopefully the first.... or perhaps both!

We visited a monestery at Tengboche.  I was wondering if it was the same one Batman trined at and then I remembered that one burned down.  So probably not.  The monestery will serve as a refuge of sorts for anyone who is still running at a certain point, I don't know what time, 8 hrs?  Anyway those who have not passed the monestery by the chosen time will suspend their run there for the night.  This is to keep them from running in the dark and possibly becoming lost or injured.  The following morning they will continue on. 

So you may be wondering what kind of silly people sign up to run 26.2 mies starting at the mother of the world.  There are something like 200 runners.  a good portion are Nepali.  As for those in the small group I am trekking with they are American, French, Swedish, Pole, Thai, Canadian, Finn and Estonion and it's possible I missed a few.  And this is a group of about 18.  Of the Americans  of us are either current or prior military.  One of the French is a very talented marathon  runner.  One of the Poles in another group is in the global top 20 marathon runners.  One couple is on their honeymoon.  Two in the Marine Corps were looking for the craziest race they could find.  The Thai is the first from his country to run in this race and is live streaming updates to Thai TV.  Basically all kinds of people run this race. 

Should any of my friends feel envious of me doing this, please let me know.  I am thinking of doing it again next year or perhaps the year after.  So if you think this sounds like the kind of crazy you might like to try i'd love some familiar company!

The higher you get the more expensive goods and services become.  Internet in Namche Bazzar was $5 and a roll of toilet paper was $2.50.  Here at Deboche the net costs $6 and a roll of TP is $5. 

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